How to buy CTB


Last Update منذ عامين

Purchasing CTB Tokens

We currently have four options for you to participate in the token sale.

Send ether to our token sale address

You only need to send eth by sending to the designated token sale eth address, through paypal or BTC (coinbase)

enter these requirements so we could track the transaction and record it in the blockchain

Your transaction number

Your ether address

1. From Dashboard, click Buy CTB button.

2. Enter these requirements so we could track the transaction and record it in the blockchain

Your transaction number

Your ether address

Buy from ether wallet

If you already have an ether balance in your Contrib wallet, then you just need to enter the amount of CTB tokens and we will debit it directly.

1. From Dashboard, click Buy CTB button.

2. Click, Withdraw Ether Wallet Balance

3. Enter CTB amount and password.

4. Your Transaction Is Verified. Congratulations!

Convert Bitcoins via Coinbase api

If you have a bitcoin address, you can login or signup via and transfer or authorize our api to withdraw any number of BTC from your Bitcoin account and it will automatically be transferred to your Contrib wallet whatever amount you have sent.

1. From Dashboard, click Buy CTB button.

2. Click, Send Bitcoin.

3. Click, Send through coinbase button. Log in to your coinbase account.

4. Authorize device.

5. Enter (BTC )amount to send.

Buy CTB Tokens via USD or Paypal

You can buy CTB TOKENS by purchasing through paypal. Just enter the amount of USD and CTB tokens will be immediately transferred to your account.

1. From Dashboard, click Buy Tokens button.

2. Click, Send Paypal.

3. Enter amount.

4. Login to your Paypal account.

5. Confirm Payment.

6. Your Transaction Is Verified. Congratulations!

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